NIN Live: 1991

August 24, 1991 - Mannheim, Germany, Maimarktgelände

Now I'm Nothing
Terrible Lie
Physical (You're So)
The Only Time
Down In It
Head Like a Hole

Show Memorabilia

1991/08/24 Poster 1991/08/24 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD (Sony PC-62 Mic + Sony WM-D3)
Taper: Stefan
Time: 34 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Sin, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 245.4 MB
Added to Archive: October 06th, 2019
Received this in the inbox today and am so stoked to add this one… This is the first show that Nine Inch Nails ever performed in Europe. BIG THANKS to Smores for finding this one. I believe he mentioned this a few years ago to me and I kinda forgot about it. Amazing to see this one. Terrible Lies cuts into it already in progress and it’s definitely the Now I’m Nothing > Terrible Lie version. They opened for Guns N Roses over in Europe. Someone on the archive told me that they only sold one t shirt at this show. Don’t know if that is true or not, would love a source. I took the recording and retracked it. Also there are some mic adjustments during Terrible Lie that has the mics cut out a bit. So I swapped the channels at a few points that does not change the sound at all. Most of the static was less than a quarter of a second and not noticeable once swapped to mono. Thanks to Stefan for recording! Always amazing to see tapes be unearthed so long after they have happened. Again, if you have any old Nine Inch Nails recordings I would love to hear from you. Any format is possible to transfer and I’d love to work with you in getting these preserved onto the NIN live archive. Email me at